
Nothing to say?

I am so lacking in things to write about it is not even funny. Life is so crazy and hectic right now. We have things going on every day. I am getting worn out. Scott and I ran the Warrior Dash together and really enjoyed it. A couple of weeks later, we ran The Great Pizza Challenge 5K. You know what I realized? I STINK at running.. I have athletic onset asthma. I forgot to use my inhaler before the Warrior Dash, so I really struggled with my breathing. Then, the week of the Pizza Challenge, I got a horrible cold, so I struggled to breathe again, but for different reasons. All of these make great excuses for my times.. 1 hour for the WD, 37:52 for the Pizza Challenge.. however, I just stink.
I am new at running though. I haven’t really been running at all this year. I quit running last July when I found out that I was pregnant. Not out of fear of hurting the baby, but I was sore from the first Warrior Dash, and then I started getting morning sickness. I ran for a little while after we lost the baby. I was angry. I pounded my anger out on the gym floor while I ran. I cried and asked God “Why?” Then, I just quit doing it.. I quit running. I guess it was just laziness, but I have been out of practice for A YEAR! For the record, I still don’t know WHY I lost the baby. I never will. I do know that I was the first in a string of 4 other friends or family members who lost babies. I am thankful that I was able to talk some of them through it.. God is always good. Anyway, this is not meant to be a depressing post. Life is so good. I am so blessed with two awesome girls, and an awesome husband who treats me so much better than I ever deserve.

Chloe is doing well with learning her letters. I am going to start doing a little bit of preschool homeschooling this September. I am not going to do any sort of curriculum this first year. I am going to rely a lot on free printables and workbooks that I can buy at the store. She is turning THREE on Thursday. While she seems so old to me now, she is still so young. She is bright. But, I want her to get to be a kid. I try to take advantage of “teachable moments” and work with her while we play. I think it helps. I want them to enjoy their childhood. They have the rest of their lives to be tortured as adults with responsibility and pressure to be and do more. She still has wild, curly hair that I can’t seem to tame. She has so much energy that her hair always ends up wild by noon. If anyone has any curly hair tips, I will take them!

Addison is getting sillier every day. She has this way that she says “Hiiii” that just cracks me up. She is still a Mama’s girl, and I LOVE it. haha! She carries one of my shirts around, or a receiving blanket and she calls it her “mama”. I am “mommy” to her though, so it doesn’t get confusing. I am working on teaching colors to her. She thinks everything is pink right now. I think pink may be her favorite right now. She loves to sing and dance. Her favorite show is “Jake and the Neverland Pirates”, and she loves the Leapfrog movies.

I am so excited for this week because my friends are coming to visit. They are on deputation right now to get on the field in Ecuador. This will probably be the last time I see them before they leave. They will be in town for a full week! YAY! Plus, my parents are possibly going to come this weekend. Scott’s parents will be here next week! I LOVE having company. We have a tiny little house, but I love filling it to the brim with friends and family. We had our music director over for lunch last week. I don’t know what it is, but I love having people over.

If you have made it to the end of this post, you get a gold star. Hopefully soon, I will have something exciting to post.