

I think that we all need to find a direction in life. Where are you going? Where do you want to be in a week? In a month? In a year?

This is my goal.. to find my strength.

I feel like I have just been sort of drifting. I know that I want to be a good wife and mom all days. I want to represent Christ well. But, what else? I need to have a goal for myself.

So do you.

I was reading on Oak & Oats today about creating a mission statement for your blog. It doesn’t have to be publicly shared; it’s more for you.

I feel a little (lot) scatterbrained a lot of days. Life is crazy and hectic, and it has been throwing some MEAN curve balls in my direction. I feel like I have given up on even swinging and keep letting them pummel me. I need to regain my focus and direction.

So, I am challenging myself to create a mission statement for this blog. It is a random space where my brain gets poured out and attempted to form into coherent thoughts that help someone. Or, just inspire someone. I am a daydreamer, and a lot of that gets dumped on here, too. I am a mom, so my hashtag mom life gets poured out here as well. I am hurting, and that gets poured out.

There is so much that gets poured here, but I always want people to leave my blog space a little better than they were before.

I don’t know if that has ever happened. Ever. But, that is my main goal.

I am challenging you also. What is your focus? What is your “mission statement” for your life? I still remember the mission statement that we created for our youth department back in high school. “H2O student ministries exists to expose unsaved teens to the love of Christ, bringing them into our fellowship, teaching them to observe all things so they can work and praise him.”

Or something like that.

It’s awesome. It gave us a direction and a purpose. It was a challenge to us as teens. We knew WHY we were doing what we were doing.

So, let’s hear it. What is your WHY?