

This is how Harper woke up today. It looks like she is giving me the stink eye. She’s not. Her eye was insanely swollen and droopy. If you know me, you know that my dad had a stroke a few years ago. I have made it a point to memorize the signs of a stroke.

F- facial drooping
A- arm weakness
S- slurred speach
T- time (to call 9-1-1)

Those are the signs. I was FREAKING OUT and could only remember facial drooping and slurred speech. She is ONE, she doesn’t speak.. and her face was drooping. I kept trying to get her to smile so I could see if her mouth was droopy, too. She was so squirmy and acting silly. I assumed that I was just being silly. She wouldn’t have been acting like Harper if she was having a stroke. For Pete’s sake.. pediatric strokes present differently, too. So, go look that up. 😉

I called the doctor. They got her in this afternoon. There is some type of palsy that could cause facial drooping like that. Thankfully, it was not the case either. They think she probably got a bug bite in her sleep or that her tear duct clogged in the night. The fluid fills in around the eye when it can’t drain properly, and infants eyes swell really easily.

I guess the moral of the story is trust your gut. Even if it ends up being nothing serious, like in this case, you still know your child. I am thankful to have the peace of mind that her eye did indeed look off, and that it is nothing. I would be second guessing all day had I not called the doctor. God made you mama of your babies. You are their protector and provider. Always trust your instincts.

Also, I have never taken all three to the doctor together. I am blessed that Scott has a job where he can come watch the other two while I take one to the doctor (or the vice versa). He was out of town this time. I feel like a warrior for handling that. The resident was so kind while Chloe was sitting in his chair pretending to be a doctor.

I am so proud of my girls. Today was the first day of Kindergarten for Chloe. I don’t have many pictures because we were a little rushed today with Harper’s “emergency”, but I have a few. More on that later.