
I’m really terrible at this

Life has been a whirlwind lately!  A week and a half ago, we packed up our lives and moved farther north (I really must be crazy..) to Flint, MI to serve at a new church alongside a really wonderful pastor and his wife.  We are working with the youth group here, and truly loving every minute of our new life. We were worried that Scott was not going to have a job before we left the old one, but God faithfully provided the perfect one right on time. Things are so wonderful here. We miss our friends from Garden City, but we are so close by that we can visit occasionally. I had been trying to avoid buying groceries so that we wouldn’t have to move with a bunch of stuff, or throw things away, so we were eating horribly. I have really enjoyed eating healthy meals again, and cooking yummy food.

The baby is doing wonderfully. I am 33 1/2 weeks along now. I will be induced at 39 weeks since we are staying with the same doctor and hospital. She is measuring big now, so it might be a good thing. I hate the idea of being induced, but I know that it will be the best option right now. She is an active little booger, and moves all over the place. She gets the hiccups a lot, and sometimes it feels like she is taking her finger and drawing circles on the inside of my belly. My goal was to only gain 25 pounds this pregnancy, and I was doing GREAT, but then she has been having these insane growth spurts and I have gained 26 or so as of now. πŸ™ At least I can see that it is all belly. I also have an “abnormally large amount” of fluid in there.. So, I told my sister to wear her water shoes since I will be a bridesmaid in her wedding when I am 36 weeks along.. I am just praying my water doesn’t break, and that I don’t faint or do anything crazy! lol! I tend to get extremely emotional at weddings as it is, and my sissy is moving to California and I don’t know when I will get to see her after the wedding.. soooo I may be a mess!!!

Chloe is getting bigger, sillier, and smarter every day. She is 13 months old now. She has really enjoyed our new house. The kitchen, dining, and living rooms are all one giant room so she just runs back and forth yelling “AHHHHHH!” hehe! I love that little girl. She gives kisses all the time now, and will come running across the room just to give hugs. She still doesn’t talk much, but she is advanced in everything else. I know that she understands things, but just isn’t vocalizing them in words that we can understand. If you ask here where her ball is, for example, she will go find it and bring it to you. She will try to say words but they all come out sounding very similar. She will say “more” and do the sign for it… but more means “I want that now” in her mind. She says “dada” all the time, and knows who dada is, but “mama” is food.. She says “mamamamamama” the whole time she is eating. She can point to our belly buttons (mommy’s has become a toy) and can point out noses.  She loves reading books still and points at everything saying “dat” She is getting so tall, and it’s making her look like a little skinny butt. Her weight was right on at her appointment though, and she is way above for her height. The doctor said to keep doing what we’re doing because she looks perfect. She eats like a moose, but is so active that it doesn’t worry me at all. She is going through a picky phase and will throw a lot of food on the floor. I’m ready for this phase to end. She usually chows down on fruits and veggies but for some reason won’t eat them most of the time. She is working on two more front teeth, and it looks like there are swollen bumps in the back of her mouth where her molars are working their way in. Teething is the pitts. She has started drooling like a st. bernard again, and wakes up fussy at night. Overall though, she is such a happy girl. She wakes up in the morning and plays in her crib for about an hour. I feel guilty leaving her in there, but I know that it is best for her, since I won’t be able to fetch her out immediately when the new baby comes. I can hear her giggling and playing through the baby monitor. She does this after nap time, too. All we have to do is lay her in her crib with her blanket and binky and she puts herself to sleep. It has been this way for a LOOONG time, and it’s so wonderful. I’m sure it will change for a while once her life gets turned upside down with a new sister, but maybe we will get lucky!
The next time I blog, I could have another baby in my arms! πŸ™‚ I am getting more and more excited, and more anxious. I worry about Chloe getting jealous of her new sister, and wonder how I can prepare her for such changes.. Tons of mothers of done it, so I assume I can make it work, too. There’s plenty of love to go around in this house!!!