
Grace that is Greater

I need God’s grace. Oh, how I mess up. I am not good at life. I think I would receive a big fat “F” on my life report card.

I get frustrated. I get down. I get angry. I struggle. I am so far from perfect.

God is so merciful and so full of grace. He loves me in spite of, well, ME. He created me. He formed me and paid such close attention to every detail of me. He knew that I was going to be full of emotion. He knew that I was going to struggle with controlling my temper. He knew that I was going to be a big crybaby. He knew that I would feel unsatisfied. He knew it all.

Yet, He loved me. He doesn’t want me to live this way. NO. Many of us think “OH, well God knew I was going to be this way, so it’s ok for me to live like it.” NO!!! He KNEW, but He desires so much more for us. He desires for me to live a controlled life. No, not like a puppet. Control my temper. Control my emotions. I need to know how to control myself. He desires for me to full of joy and content with where I am and what I have. Because, I have so much.

Don’t just think that you are stuck and refuse to stay there. God’s grace will help us.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

He will give us rest. We just have to come to Him.