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DIY Chili Seasoning and Heartburn Relief

I received this product for for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

Chili. Is there any greater comfort food? It is warm and inviting. It’s versatile. You can add cheese to your bowl. Crackers. Peanut Butter sandwiches. Chili is just so good.

One of my FAVORITE ways to make any food healthier is to make my own spice mixes. When you buy the spice packets from the grocery store, you are also buying a LOT of sodium and other ingredients that you don’t need in your body. By making your own spice mixes, you get to control how much salt you are consuming. You also can control the amount of spice– making your dish more comfortable for you to eat if you need to. Or, making it so spicy that underneath your eyes starts sweating. It’s up to you.

Another hot tip for avoiding the digestive discomfort that comes with beans is to use dried beans. If you soak your dried beans overnight and prepare them properly, much of the gas and discomfort that many experience can be lessened significantly. Moving on to the Chili Seasoning Recipe!

You can add more cayenne pepper, or none at all. You can add less chili powder or more. You can also completely eliminate the salt if you need to. It is so versatile. Making my own spice mixes has been the easiest way to make our meals healthier. It also saves a lot of money and tastes much better!

Unfortunately, Chili also has the side effect of heartburn. I have suffered tremendously from heartburn since having my oldest child. But, I LOVE spicy and acidic foods. I just wish they loved me back. That is where Boiron Acidil Meltaway Tablets come in to play. Boiron Acidil is a homeopathic medicine that is made up of plant-based active ingredients that have been sustainably sourced. It relieves occasional heartburn, acid indigestion, upset stomach, and bloating.* What I love about Acidil is that I just dissolve the tabs underneath my tongue. There is no flavor and I don’t have to take it with water. They ACTUALLY WORK. You can even take it before a meal and can be used by children who are 12 and older. The best part– there are no known drug interactions!

If you suffer from heartburn, you KNOW how miserable it can be. I love that I have found a homeopathic medicine that works so well for me. I can enjoy the comfort food without the discomfort! You can buy it at Sprouts Farmers Market, Whole Foods, Walgreens, RiteAid, Vitamin Shoppe, and online at Amazon.

I have been a big fan of Boiron products for YEARS. You can download the Boiron Medicine Finder app and search the symptoms that you are experiencing and find the homeopathic that is best. Here is a screen shot for you to see what the home page looks like.

Are you ready for even more fun? I get to give a great prize to you! One winner will receive a box of Acidil Meltaway Tablets, a Boiron apron, and an Acidil silicone spoon.

Enter the Giveaway HERE!

*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.