
Catching Up

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I feel so blessed entering this year.

Scott had two blissful weeks off, and it was so nice to have time together. I still had to work, but it was SO nice to not be passing ships. We got projects done, baked a lot of cookies, and set goals for this year. We also read a lot.

I have been pretty quiet on here. I have just been keeping my head down and working my way through each day. I felt like I was drowning by early December. The break from school and our usual routine was so good for my soul. My cup went from bone dry to overflowing.

I shared in November that we got our first egg. We are currently getting anywhere from 7 to 11 eggs per day! Our Easter Egger hens started laying, which was basically the most exciting thing ever. Harper, our little helper, has always wanted to help collect eggs. Now, she won’t pick them up if they aren’t green or blue. ha!

There is an egg brand that sells a carton of eggs these colors for EIGHT DOLLARS! Just because ONE blue or green egg will be inside. I think we may sell a few cartons soon, but certainly not for that price. We want to be able to build a better run for the chickens, and that would help us save up for it.

The weight of the snow and ice has the top “roof” of chicken wire collapsing. We never expected it to last, but we were “building a parachute on the way down” (as Jill Winger says) and did what we were able to at the time. It’s been a lot of fun to learn.

We are back at homeschooling, and going to celebrate our HUNDREDTH day of school next week. We are still trucking along with our ABEKA curriculum. I am going to be doing something different for one of the girls next year to help meet her needs better. I’m really excited about it.

We are way ahead of schedule, which will be PERFECT for gardening season. Most of our seeds are ordered and ready to be started in the next few months. If you start seeds, I suggest ordering ASAP. Some companies have had to put a hold on orders to catch up. Many varieties are already selling out.

We have challenged ourselves to spend 1000 hours outside this year. That averages out to almost three hours a day outside. It’s harder on the bitter cold and boiling hot days. We hope to camp much more this year, which will certainly pad our hours. Addi said she hopes we can camp in three states that we’ve never camped in before. I hope so, too, kid.

Also, I read a devotion to the girls each day at lunch time. We are just days away from finishing Indescribable. It’s on sale right now. I learned so much from it, and the kids really enjoyed it. This one has been suggested to me, and I think I’m going to order it. Also, this one for the New Testament. We will be able to dig in so much deeper to Scripture with this one. I’m also thinking about ordering this book for myself.

I love a new year (new month, new week, etc.) I am always grateful for the fresh start. Happy 2021!