
You are what you eat.

I have really been on a food kick since having the girls. I don’t just accept whatever junk they are marketing towards my kids. Or me. I started to get educated. There are so many food allergies, and types of cancer, etc. that people keep asking “Why is it so common?” “These things didn’t exist ‘back in the day'”. Well, most of the “food” you are eating isn’t really food anymore. It has all been genetically modified in some way or another. One of the things that I really buy organic is fruits and vegetables. Scott and I are on a TIGHT budget. He is a youth pastor; which translates to not a lot of money. To me, it is worth sacrificing to be sure that I am feeding my family the best possible food.

I make a lot of our own spice mixes (taco seasoning, chili seasoning, ranch seasoning, cream of whatever soup. I make it all. I am not trying to brag or toot my own horn, just sharing some info. It is not that hard to make these mixes. I OCCASIONALLY spend on Saturday putting all of this together. The thing is, it lasts for MONTHS. The best part of all of this- if I buy spices that I know don’t have any hidden pesticides, this is MUCH better for my family. There is no added sodium to any of the mixes this way. Read your labels. See how much extra junk you are putting onto your food that is not necessary at all. It saves a lot of money, too.

I buy fruits and vegetables in season. I buy whatever is on sale and plan around that. Have you heard of the “dirty dozen” and the “clean 15”? Look them up. Memorize them. Everyone always says that their grandparents didn’t buy organic food, so why should they. That is because our grandparents had FOOD. We have chemicals coating our food now. You wonder where the cancers keep coming from? Food is the greatest medicine. I buy the clean 15 as “normal” produce. Being on a budget, I try to save as much money as I can. These foods that I know aren’t as contaminated are foods that I am willing to buy non-organic.

Another thing that I buy organic is yogurt. My girls and I LOVE yogurt! We have a Trader Joe’s that is 30 minutes from our house (and also right down the road from the outlet malls!) I make a trip there once a month. Their organic yogurt is not much more expensive than regular yogurt at Kroger, etc. I also don’t buy the individual cups of yogurt unless I have a coupon or am going on a trip. This cuts down on the cost A LOT, too. I am just fine with spending the extra minute it takes to scoop some out into a little bowl. Honestly, with the cost of milk, I have not been able to buy that organically. I would love to, but it is just too difficult right now.

Kroger sends coupons for their Simple Truth organic meats a lot. If I can get a good deal on it, I will buy as much as possible. We cannot afford to buy all organic food, but every bit counts.

Don’t be fooled. Just because things say ORGANIC doesn’t mean that they are all organic. If it is marked USDA certified organic, it has to be 95% or more organic. Some companies just write organic, but it is not certified. Not that you ever truly know, but I always look for it to be certified organic.

Take care of your health. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that your body is a temple. You only get one. Treat it kindly. Take care of yourself. This means eating right, too. You can’t eat garbage all day, and be lazy and expect that to be honoring to God. I am amazed at how many people in our Baptist churches laugh about being Baptist so we eat. They are overweight and unhealthy. They have not taken care of the temple of God. Yet, they will sit back and judge someone that walks in with a tattoo. Now, I am not saying anything for or against tattoos here, I am just saying that I am tired of one side being ignored. We are to do EVERYTHING for God’s glory. That includes being good stewards of His gifts, which does include the body He gave you to do His work in. How can we reach people for Christ if we are too busy laying in bed sick all of the time because we aren’t taking care of ourselves?

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Remember, you are what you eat.