
Weekend love

I cannot wait for this weekend!! My birthday and Mother’s Day are on the same day this year, which is kind of fun. I don’t get excited about birthdays. I don’t mind ageing, I just don’t find my birthday to be a big deal. Last year was really memorable and fun. I was released from the hospital in the middle of the day. I came home and my mom had made decorations with the girls, and they were hanging all over the house. She made a cake with them. It was so adorable and sweet, and I will never forget it. Then, mom and dad watched the girls during dinner so that Scott and I could go out on a date. We went to a new Japanese steakhouse that we had been dying to try. It was terrible. But, we laugh about it a lot. Now, we don’t have to wonder if it is good anymore. :p

Anyway, THIS weekend! Scott is taking us over to the Lake Michigan side of the state. There is a big Tulip Festival that happens in this little down. I love tulips. They just look happy. The weather is supposed to be warm and beautiful. We have never seen Lake Michigan from Michigan; only Chicago. It is apparently super clear right now because of the winter freeze that happened. I can’t wait to just get away and enjoy some time as a family.

We will be back for church on Sunday, and I don’t really know what we will do. I know that I get to test out a gluten, dairy, all good things free cake recipe. Hopefully I can find something yummy. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am DYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYING for some cake. I saw a company that makes allergen free cheesecake, and I am going to buy alllll the cheesecakes. Not really.. maybe one.

Speaking of Allergies:

I am really digging deep into learning about these allergies as Harper is the age where she can eat some table foods. I want to keep her safe… and locked up in a bubble the more I read. I can’t lock her away. I can’t stop her from living. I can do everything possible to keep her safe though. ๐Ÿ™‚