
Too fast!

Chloe is crawling really well now. The crazy girl is all over the house and into everything.  Last night she pulled up to a standing position holding onto the couch. Now, it seems that there is no stopping her.  She is getting to be more and more fun with each passing day.  It breaks my heart how quickly she is growing and changing, but fills me with joy at the same time.  I am glad I have another little bundle of joy on the way so I get to do this all over again! šŸ™‚
We are going on our first real vacation Friday. My wonderful Aunt Ann gave us a condo to stay in for a week that is RIGHT ON THE BEACH in Myrtle Beach, SC.  I am so excited. Scott and I went to South Carolina for a day during our honeymoon and I fell in love.  If I could live there, I would do it in a heart beat! My father-in-law is going with us, too, because we needed someone 25 to be with us for the condo.  Sometimes being young really stinks, but Jim is hilarious, so it will be a lot of fun! I am so excited to spend a week by the ocean, even though it is supposed to only be in the 60s.  This week it has been near the 80s there, so of course it would cool off for us to go! ha!  I am excited to see Chloe playing in the sand, but worried about her eating it! YIKES!!
I still find motherhood to be completely wonderful.  THIS is what I am supposed to do with the rest of my life.. no career for me! Mommy and Wife is far better than all of the money in the world!