
‘Tis the Season for sniffles… and smoothies

I have kept the girls at home other than to go to church on Sunday and Wednesday. I am sheltering them from the germ-fest of cold and flu season because I HATE IT! I hate being stuck inside with them for days and days with tissues and medicine everywhere! Unfortunately, it caught them. Chloe started with it, and Addison of course followed suit. They both have had fevers now, and my marker board is covered in information about the last dose of medicine and the time they last had a fever/what it was.

How do you deal with cold and flu season? What are some great boredom busters? We have another “polar vortex” bearing down on us, and it is way too cold to go outside or even crack the windows. I am tired of being inside. I am legitimately losing my marbles.. The girls are fighting with each other. Addison is obsessed with Little Einsteins and now knows how to change the movie out if she doesn’t like it. If I hear that theme song one more time I might cut my ears off!!!

On the up-side I have re-discovered my love of smoothies. I am really struggling with food aversions to just about everything. I needed something nutritious in my diet, but I can’t bring myself to EAT it. For some reason I am ok with drinking it through a straw. I bought a giant bag of baby spinach and blended that into my smoothie today. It definitely changes the color, but you absolutely cannot taste it! I have always been skeptical of it. I love spinach salad, but doubted that the taste could be hidden in a sweet FRUIT smoothie. I am a believer now! Try it out!