
The Hallway

Do you ever pray and feel as though your prayers are bouncing off the sky. Your words just come hurling back at you as soon as they are spoken. Or, so it feels.

We are in this transition period. I feel like we have been shoved into the hallway with closed doors all around us. We keep knocking on them; we turn and tug at the handle. Nothing. Here we stand. We are huddled in the hallway praying and asking God for directions and answers. Our words just echo in the hall.

We try to remain faithful. We are in the hallway. We can serve God in the hallway. It feels messy, confusing, and crowded. But, we can still serve. He put us here in this hallway. He has a plan for it. But, it is so hard to continue waiting for answers.

Maybe this time in the hallway is meant for us to learn. God is always working on us. He is always bending, stretching, and molding us as long as we are willing. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it’s freeing. All the time, He has a purpose. Maybe I need to just be quiet and LISTEN to what He is teaching me. I keep trying to open doors and find out what he is teaching me. Often, God speaks in the silence. I need to stop pulling on every door knob and just sit down and listen.

Perhaps as I watch and listen, a door will open just a crack. Maybe we will get a glimpse inside and see that God was protecting us from what was behind it. Maybe a door will open wide and we will be invited in. What is behind that door is going to be beautiful; if for no other reason than it is where God directed us.

However long the doors remain closed, I am going to take the opportunity to listen and learn.

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