

These stupid teeth will NOT show up and quit torturing my poor baby.  I have done everything I can to make her comfortable and it is just not working for her.  I am quite sick of feeling helpless.  I am quite irritated in general.  She cries all day, and I feel bad for her because I would cry all day, too.. but all of that crying has been giving me severe headaches and I have had a stiff neck for a month… I just want to rest and my husband is literally never home during Chloe’s waking hours anymore.  I have become a single parent and I am still MARRIED!! I am just fed up with the way things are. My dog sits in her kennel all day because it is too cold for her to be outside and she will not quit terrorizing the house when she is out. I can’t handle a demon dog and a teething baby all by myself when I feel like I am barely holding it together.  I will PAY someone to take this stupid dog from us! lol Just pray for Chloe that these teeth will break through and relieve her of her pain.  We have a doctors appointment for her this week to get her checked out because the poor baby barely poops and when she does it is extremely painful for her, so maybe they can suggest something for her teeth.  I refuse to put whiskey on her gums so don’t even suggest that, please!