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Stove Top Popcorn with Malaysian Palm Oil

Malaysian Palm OIl
I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

We have been cooking up stove top popcorn in our house for a couple of years now. I never knew just how simple it was until I finally gave it a try. The one downside is that my family isn’t a big fan of the traditional cooking oil used for this. Enter Malaysian Palm Oil. Have you ever heard of it? This was a new product to me, and I was thrilled to learn about it.
I’ll tell you more about it later. Trust me, it will blow your mind. You know I am all about health and wellness.

Here is the lineup:
3 Tablespoons of Malaysian Palm Oil
1/2 cup of popcorn kernels
salt to taste
1. Pour the oil and popcorn kernels into a deep pan or pot with a lid. Admire the beautiful red palm oil, because it’s such a gorgeous color.
2. Place the pot (or pan) over medium high heat with the lid vented slightly. Lift the pot and shake periodically while it heats and cooks. Listen and watch for the popcorn to pop. It will begin popping vigorously.
3. When the popping slows, remove it from heat. It will continue popping for a little bit, so be cautious. When the popping is stopped, remove the lid and add salt. You can also do fancy spice combinations if that is your thing. My kids and husband like the basics.
Look at how golden that oil is! There is no butter on this popcorn; only Malaysian Palm Oil and a sprinkle of salt. This recipe made plenty for our family, so if you are making it for just yourself, definitely cut the recipe down by 1/3.

Now for some facts about Malaysian Palm Oil!

  • Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil is trans fat free and rich with nutrients- how awesome to have an oil with benefits!
  • Most of the palm oil used in the US is is sustainably grown and produced in Malaysia.
  • Palm oil is non-GMO and ideal for high-temperature cooking.
  • A one-acre palm oil plantation produces 11 times more oil than a one-acre soybean field. SUSTAINABLE.
  • Malaysia is a very progressive, environmentally friendly country. By the end of 2019, the country plans to have 100% of its palm oil certified sustainable.
  • Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil comes in golden and red varieties. Red Palm oil is particularly rich in nutrients, such as vitamin E.
  • Sustainable Malaysian Palm oil IS compliant with the Autoiummune Paleo diet!
  • Malaysian Palm Oil is cholesterol free!

I had to share this nutrition information! This is a great way to work in beta-carotene for those with an allergy to other sources. It is also full of vitamin E, which is great for healthy skin/hair/nails and building up the immune system. It is always best to get your vitamins from natural sources first.

Like I said before, Malaysian Palm Oil is great for high heat cooking– up to 450 degrees. Scott has been brushing it on the grill to keep our food from sticking, and it has been working great! It is so much better than using other grill sprays that are full of chemicals.
Run, don’t walk, to get yourself some Malaysian Palm Oil and enjoy the many health and taste benefits! Let me know if you give it a try! I would love to hear your thoughts.