
Sniffles and Insanity

The girls have been sick for 10 DAYS!! Chloe has been well for several days now, but Addison’s upper respiratory infection turned into croup, and she just can’t kick the fever. She hasn’t had one yet today, but that’s how it’s been for the past several days. She is fine all day, and cranks out a fever come evening time. You know that insanity, right? We have been stuck inside for 10 stinking days. Friday I got out to do grocery shopping and it was heavenly. I felt like skipping through the aisles and singing. I am not a fan of padded walls though, so I resisted the urge

I have been desperate. The girls are tired of each other. They are tired of me. I am tired of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. It’s a madhouse. My husband has had quite a bit going on lately, so he hasn’t been able to let me get out in the evenings much at all. He will always send me out AT LEAST once a week to clear my head and have some time alone. He is pretty fantastic. 🙂 Anyway, I am just hitting a roadblock when thinking about what activities to do inside with the girls. I wish we could go outside and play, but the freezing temps and snow are just not allowing for that with sick ones.

If anyone has activities that are easy and fun for toddlers- let me have them. We have done science experiments. We have made cookies. I have tried teaching them how to plank, do push-ups, and squats. We have taken hundreds of baths that included painting the bathtub. Coloring, painting, eating snacks… I need an indoor jungle-gym in my living room. ha! I am so ready to pack away the thermometers, vicks, motrin, and cough syrup for a while. I haven’t been to church since October.. This is bonkers.

Being inside like this forces me to organize things, so there is my silver lining. I have been throwing junk away, organizing closets, shelves, and scrubbing everything. With my girls, I get to keep doing it over and over again, so that keeps me from getting bored. haha! Since I haven’t been able to walk like I usually do, I have been really trying to focus on eating better. I’ve been drinking more water, and less sweet tea. I have been trying to keep up with my Dirty Thirty workout, but have been struggling because I feel so completely drained.

I don’t even know what I am typing anymore. I really think I am losing my mind, and if you have made it this far, you are a saint. 😉 I have been checking the blogs that I follow 93383 times a day hoping for something new to read. So, if you blog, WRITE SOMETHING. I need something to do.

I also have been trying to resist the urge to decorate for Christmas. If you caught what I said before, it has been SNOWING here in Michigan. I want to put up my tree, hang lights and garland. Instead I have been watching Christmas movies repeatedly and drinking some eggnog. I think Scott would go bonkers if he came home to the Christmas tree up in the living room. We need at least one sane person in the house to balance out the madness.

Pray for my girls to start feeling 100%. I hate when they are sick, mostly because I hate seeing them miserable, and partially because I want them to SLEEP!! Pray that my brains don’t explode all over the house because I really don’t want to clean that mess up.