
Simple Life

If April showers bring May flowers, we are going to be up to our eyeballs in blooms– if the freeze didn’t kill it all. The kids have loved playing in the mud puddles. They have also loved picking the dandelions and building fairy gardens out of sticks.

I am so thankful that my kids enjoy the simple life. Boredom is good for them. That is when their imaginations get to come to life. I still would really love to add one of these to our yard. Every now and then, I can’t figure out where Chloe is. Then, I realize that she is sitting in a tree reading a book.

We have pinecone and rock collections everywhere. It is supposed to be really nice this weekend. Since we can’t (and won’t) go anywhere, we have been planning to set up the tent and camp. Our town is already cancelling events into July and August, so I’m afraid camp grounds may not open this year. It’s getting so disappointing, and my feelings are all over the place about it. Whatever comes, we are going to continue enjoying this slow pace of life in whatever way we can.