
She’s here!!

Well, I officially have two babies to love on in person!!! Addison Mackenzie made her arrival on Thursday, October 27! She weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces (and was a week early, mind you!) and was 21 inches long.

She is such a sweet baby. She hardly ever cries.. usually only when she’s getting her diaper changed. She sleeps all day and all night.. only waking up enough to eat. She’ll spend about an hour awake and looking around. I don’t remember Chloe sleeping THAT much.. but Chloe screamed a lot because she was always hungry.  Breastfeeding is going SOOO much better this time! I know what I’m doing, and know how to solve the problems I have. She isn’t tongue tied either, so that makes things a whole lot better!!

Chloe loves her little sister so far. She smiles every time she sees her, and will cry when she cries.  She likes to “pat” on her chest.. and head sometimes. She also has started to play with Addi’s little feet.  She hasn’t really been jealous, but she’s been going to work with Scott, so we will see when that ends.  I’m not allowed to pick her up until Addi is two weeks old. I’m going to follow those instructions, too, because I could rip stitches in places that should never be ripped… YIKES! I’m so ready to SLEEP in my own bed though. Stairs are also a no-no and our bedroom is in the basement.. so I’ve been couching it. HOwever, I’m so exhausted from the last month of not sleeping that I think sleeping on a boulder would be comfortable!!!!

I LOVE BEING A MOMMY!!  Seriously.. I think it’s even better the second time around because I get to see my sweet oldest daughter love on her little sister.  The blessings in my life are just too much!  These darn hormones adjusting again are getting to me.  I have started crying constantly. I don’t want Addi to grow up.. I LOVE Chloe, and she is so much fun, but I want them both to stay little forever.  I know that can’t happen, and I am truly excited to see the women that they will become one day.. but I’m in NOO hurry!  My girls are beautiful, sweet, and one of the greatest things to happen to me. Thank you, Lord, for pouring out constant blessings on my life….