
Send coffee

I have been cleaning up vomit and doing 9 million loads of laundry all day. I don’t know if the milk the girls drank this morning was bad (even though it was a brand new 1/2 gallon) or if the pancakes they ate were bad.. but it has not been a fun day. Chloe got sick all over the kitchen floor right as I finished getting myself ready for church. She had on her pretty dress and was ready to go.. Scott decided to take Addison since she was acting fine. Chloe slept really terribly and had been complaining all night about her back hurting and saying she had the “hiccups”. So, I had a feeling that something was wrong. She always wakes up several times a night, but something just seemed off this time.

Anyway, Scott took Addi to church and Chloe laid on the couch and started watching a movie. She never acts sick when she is sick, so she jumped up and started dancing around. I told her to lay back on the couch and try to rest so she would feel better. Soon, my phone rings and Scott says “Addi just threw up in her class. I’m on my way home with her now.” Awesome. Scott went back to church, cuz that’s his job, and I stayed home and continued doing load after load of vomit covered laundry..

I have fed them both the B.R.A.T. diet all day. Chloe only got sick this morning. Addison didn’t keep anything down until dinner time. She seems to be feeling better now. She kept her dinner down and has been munching on some cheerios. I almost forgot to eat breakfast this morning in all of the madness. I didn’t eat lunch today because I didn’t want to eat in front of the girls and have them upset that they couldn’t have any good food with flavor. I planned to wait until they went down for nap, but Addi continued getting sick through naptime, so there went that plan. I did finally eat some dinner..

In case you didn’t know, my due date is in TWO DAYS. Please, please pray that this is just from something they had for breakfast and not a stomach bug that I am going to catch. I don’t want to be sick. I don’t want Scott to get sick. I don’t want to bring the new baby home to a germ infested house.

The silver lining is that everything has been washed or sprayed down with Lysol.. At least the baby will come home to a clean environment.. maybe.. Someone send coffee. I am exhausted.