
Scatter brained

If my blog posts don’t make a lot of sense right now; well, I am not surprised! I sit down to write and get distracted by a hungry baby or a screaming Chloe. I only “play” on the computer during nap time, so that is when I try to write. My kids come first. Always. Writing on this blog is just fun for me, so I try to do it when I am not “on” mom duty so much. But, sometimes I leave the computer for too long to even remember what I was saying and I can’t make sense of what I was trying to say.. so I just keep on a goin’. HA!

I love these three little girls so much. Harper is still sleeping pretty well. She goes to sleep around 11 PM, and had been sleeping until 10 AM (Yes, she wakes up to eat). Now, she has decided that 5 AM is an awesome time to start partying. My “new mom adrenaline” is wearing off and I am feeling the exhaustion of waking every few hours. It’s not like you just wake up for 5 minutes every three hours. It is 30 or so minutes of being awake to feed her, then she is up 2 1/2 hours after that. I am thankful because coffee doesn’t seem to affect her like it did Addison. I can drink a couple of cups and she is just fine. HALLELUJAH! I missed my coffee.


My oldest baby turns FOUR next week!!!! She wants this crazy difficult mermaid cake. I found dairy free cake and fondant recipes. We will see how this goes. haha! I love making the cakes for my girls. She is obsessed with mermaids, so we got her a mermaid doll. She also is outgrowing her shoes, so she is getting this awesome pair of rainbow colored sketchers that I got on clearance and some tinker bell flip flops. She starts our homeschool preschool next month. I am so not ready for it, but ready or not here it comes.

Addison is still silly and wild. She is obsessed with “baby Harper”. Every morning when Harper and I walk upstairs she squeals about her baby sister. She is so bright and bubbly. I am so blessed to be her mama. I am blessed to have all of them as daughters. I love my crazy life.

I saw my neurologist on Monday, and he said that he would feel more comfortable if I stayed on the Keppra. He told me that it was up to me, but I appreciate that he told me what he would recommend. He said that there is an increased risk of me having another seizure since I have already had one. He doesn’t want me to have a seizure while holding Harper and possibly harming her.. or one of the other girls. I agree with that.. I don’t want to be on it for the rest of my life though.. I also don’t want to have another seizure. Not that I remember the first one, but I want to stinking drive. I don’t want to wake up on the floor and leave my kids without any adult.. because who knows how long I would be unconscious. The first time it was around 5 minutes. There’s a lot to think about..

On the plus side, my girls aren’t scarred for life. They like to pretend that their toys are “passed out”, or that they are “passed out”. They aren’t afraid of it, it is just a game to them. :/ I feel bad that they won’t forget what happened, but I am glad that they aren’t afraid.

There is still a lot of stress on our family right now, but we feel so overwhelmingly blessed. 😀 Our life is so incredible, exhausting, thrilling, busy, and WONDERFUL.

One Comment

  • Mrs. Neuby

    Maybe once Harper starts crawling/walking on her own you could try going off of the medicine. Then you wouldn't be holding her all the time like you have to do now. Sadly we don't get to hold our babies forever. C doesn't hardly let me hold him for 5 seconds without seeing something and wanting down so he can go grab it. 🙁