
Safe Harbor.

WE HAVE PAINT!! I love the way that the color turned out. It is called Safe Harbor by Olympic.

That screen door is so ugly though.. and broken, so I am thinking of seeing if Scott will just take it off. I know that we need to weedeat around the house. My husband works a lot, and I would most likely cut my foot off.. I also have a pretty flag to hang up and fly proudly from our porch. I just need to get a bigger mount. I bought a cheap flag a couple of years ago, and the pole bent on a windy day. We get a lot of wind here..

I have half of the container of paint left. I am thinking of using it on the peak at the top of the porch. We just need to power wash the old gross paint off of it. Would that look weird? It couldn’t look worse than the chipping paint I suppose.

This house really is cute, and I wish that it had been taken care of better. I am not a huge fan of it, but it is ours.. so I am going to love on it and make it our own while we are here. It’s about time, huh?


  • Mrs. Neuby

    It might look weird….Not sure though. Also, why am I not getting notifications anymore?? I think it's cause you changed the name, but I can't figure out how to get them back.