
Neuro News

I finally got to see my neurologist yesterday. That is the one appointment that I have been the most anxious for. That is what all of this has been about.

Basically, it was just an appointment to make sure that I was handling the medicine alright, but I was able to have some questions answered. Every time he would answer a question, he would say “People with epilepsy…” and then answer. I stupidly did not ask if he was diagnosing me with epilepsy or just using it as a reference. So, I will be calling on Monday because I know that my OB will want to know as well.

If anyone who reads this is around me and I have a seizure, you are supposed to call 9-1-1 while I am pregnant. Even if it is super short. Once I am no longer pregnant it is not necessary unless if it lasts 5 minutes. Then, it is considered an emergency and I would need to get to the hospital ASAP. Otherwise, as long as I don’t hurt myself in a fall, just let me go and make sure that I don’t hurt myself or anyone else during it.

It was confirmed that the “dizzy spells” that I had previously described are in fact partial seizures. It feels so good to finally have an answer and know what they are. I was tired of feeling like I was just crazy because no doctor had ever been able to figure it out. They would test my heart and find nothing, and then just drop it because they had no idea what else it could be. I guess that my description was off, because I never knew HOW to describe it. They were just weird and scary.

I also found out why the nurses always act like my “condition” is such a big deal. I never thought it was a huge deal to have seizures.. obviously it is a bigger deal during pregnancy. I just thought it wasn’t anything to worry greatly over. I found out that even a short seizure can case contractions to start in pregnancy. They can also deprive your baby of oxygen and greatly increase your risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. So, big deal. I am 100% in God’s hands, and since going on the medication I have not even had a partial seizure like I had been constantly having before. I am so thankful for the Lord’s protection. I am so thankful for His perfect timing.

Please continue to pray for us as we have some decisions to make that are difficult. I also still have continuous doctor’s appointments through the rest of the pregnancy and my husband has a lot going on. He is getting ordained next Saturday and I am SO PROUD of him and his willingness to follow the Lord and lead his family. His mom is in town to help out so that he can focus on that and not have to worry about the girls or taking me back and forth to the hospital.