
My tricky thyroid

Some of you know that during my pregnancy with Addison, I had somewhat of a cancer scare. I kept having all sorts of heart palpitations. I wore a heart monitor for a couple of days that monitored my heart rate every second of the day. When that showed nothing, I wore a heart monitor for TWO WEEKS. I had to push a button and stay completely still if I had any heart issues. Of course, I only had one episode in those two weeks (after having several per day before these monitors). That one episode didn’t get recorded for some reason. If you move even a little bit, it doesn’t go through. Anyway, fast forward a few weeks and my sister and mom were skyping with me. My sister pointed out that my neck looked fat. Ha! Just kidding. She said that my thyroid looked weird. So, I called the doctor’s office. My mom had half of her thyroid removed because she had a growth on it. Her neck looked just like mine when she discovered this.. I go into the doctor and the nurse tells me that the last person who had all of the problems that I was having ended up having thyroid cancer. OOOooookayy.. Cue heart attack. I had to have blood work done, and sweat by the phone until the called me. All of my blood work came back just fine, and I never thought about it again.

Fast forward a couple of years. Last week I started having some problems with my neck. It was hurting the outside of my neck to talk, swallow, or move. It would feel a little better in the morning after having the rest, but by the end of the day I was popping Tylenol and wanting to cry. I called the doctor and she noticed that my thyroid looked large. Uh, ok. Yeah, but that’s how my neck always looks doesn’t it? Is it abnormal? So, she orders blood tests and an ultrasound. I got the results of my blood test the day I was going in for my ultrasound. “Your thyroid function is just fine.” Awesome, so I probably have some tumor or some horrific thing that causes my neck to look swollen. I tried to read the ultrasound tech’s face while she was doing it, and she has one heck of a poker face. Seriously.. I hate that. They called me today and the nurse kept stumbling over everything that she was saying. My heart starts pounding thinking that she is going to tell me that something is wrong. “The ultrasound did show…. that… ” WOMAN! SPIT IT OUT!!!!! “that it was normal.” UGH!! So, the moral of this story is that if you ever see me, and notice that my thyroid looks large. Keep your dirty mouth shut. 😉

God is so good. God would have been good if I found out that I had a tumor, or something worse. God is always good. My faith has been tested. I always think that cancer would never happen to me, and I honestly wasn’t thinking that I would have it. I was worried that I would have to have a cyst or something removed. Now, my mom was in some serious pain after this surgery. They literally slit her throat from one side to the other. She is a strong woman; nothing ever hurts her. When I asked how she was feeling while laying in the recovery room, her response was “It hurts. It really hurts.” My strong mother was telling me it hurts. IF I had to have this surgery, I wouldn’t be able to have my girls around me for a little bit because they wouldn’t understand why they couldn’t hug me, or poke the Frankenstein’s monster neck. Sorry, mom, but that was a freaky looking wound. She knows that. She knows that I usually can’t handle stuff like that, but I did this time. I was determined to be strong for her. haha! I am a weenie..