
It doesn’t all stink.

Happy Halloween!! Today has been a rough one in our household. I am not here to dwell on that, however. I figured out the up-side to this dairy allergy. Halloween candy did not control me today! I usually have self-control when it comes to candy. I am not a huge candy eater under normal circumstances, but Halloween usually gets me.

And just for the heck of it, here is a picture of my little Elsa and Anna.

I am not into doing what is super-trendy. I find it annoying to be like everyone else. So, the fact that every other little girl is dressed like this sort of annoys me. However, I also 100% believe in letting my girls choose who or what they want to be for Halloween.. and letting their individuality show. These girls literally will act out entire scenes from the movie. It’s crazy. A couple of nights ago I heard them in their bedroom “WHEEE THIS IS SO FUN!” “Slow down, Anna” and on and on and on it goes.