

We spend 10 glorious days with our families. Home. I miss a place that feels like home. Now, I know that this world is my TEMPORARY home. My eternity is secure with Jesus. But, there is that warm fuzzy feeling as soon as we pull into our home town. I get teary eyed every time we pull into the neighborhood where I rode my bike. We took our kids to the park where we used to play at as kids. My kids played games in the backyard that I used to play games in. I can’t really describe that feeling. I am so grateful to have had an amazing childhood that I can look back on with fond memories. One that I want to re-create for my own children.

Our nearly 8 hour trip went perfectly. The girls all were so good the entire time!!! Harper cried once, for maybe a minute, and then was fine again. We had one potty accident, but that was on us. We said “they are doing so well!” that we decided to just keep going instead of stopping for a break. Oops!

We forgot our camera, so all I have are silly pictures. Me hanging out with my nephew’s ninja turtle. My dad and Addi is not silly. He took a day off and we got to hang out with him all day. It was such a blessing, especially considering his recent diagnosis. I held it together while we were there for the most part!! I would occasionally hear a song on the radio that applied to how life has been lately and have tears streaming down my face. For me, that is good. I am an emotional nut. God made me that way. 😉 On our trip home, we stopped to feed Harper and take a potty break. I sent my parents and Scott’s parents the picture of Harper saying that she was tired of being a passenger. We were stir crazy by then! haha!

It was the best trip home that we have ever had. Harper barely slept at night, but it was so nice to be with people who love us that it didn’t even matter. Waking up at 4 AM allowed me to have coffee with my dad in the mornings. I got to hear his heart about having cancer.. hear his fears and see his strength. Even though it is “just” prostate cancer, it is still cancer.. it still stinks.

Anyway, I don’t want to end on a gloomy note because I am trying so hard to focus on the GOOD instead of the bad. I do that too often!! Scott and I get to go to a wedding this weekend without the kiddos, and I am so excited to get dressed up with my handsome man and spend some time with him feeling mushy and romantic! I love weddings!!