
Harper is ONE

I kind of peetered out on posting monthly updates about Harper. Life gets busy when you have three kids. Wowza! She turned one last month, and I figure it’s time to do an update on our sweet girl. I cried a lot the night before she turned one. I still cry a lot. Time is such a thief. I have tried soaking up every minute with each girl, and it just goes too quickly.

Harper is still sweet as can be. She took her first real steps on August 16th. My parents were here and got to see them, which is really fun! She loves to crawl around with herMunchkin snack catcher and eat cheerios. I love this brand of snack cup because the lid twists on. The flaps on top are also harder for her to dump out the entire contents of her cup. Win-win! She LOVES bananas and ate two whole bananas and a chicken breast in one sitting. Kid can eat.

At her one year well visit, she was 19 pounds 2 ounces (10-25th percentile) and 28 3/4 inches long (25-50th percentile). She is a petite little girl, and I love it. The doctor told me to fatter her up. Hmm.. she already eats as much as I do. What else can I do?! haha! She is starting to outgrow her 12 month sleepers, but 18 month are WAAAAAAAY too big. How does that happen?! I guess when you have clothes for 5 years, they shrink? Who knows.

Harper loves her walker wagon that she got for her birthday. She cruises through the house until she bumps into something. It doesn’t take long, but the girls love helping her get un-stuck. She piles toys into it. One day she had a pot and wooden spoon in it. You can’t go anywhere without a pot and spoon. She loves that I keep the door open during the cool days and stands at the door yelling “DA DA DA DA” whenever Scott leaves for work. If Scott isn’t visible, she is just yelling. Our neighbors were out there one day and she kept squawking louder and louder, but I don’t think they noticed her. It was so funny. I told them about it, and now they make sure to look for her now and say hi to her. (They love our girls.. I’m not demanding that of them.) If you didn’t know, our neighbors are our pastor and his wife. AKA Scott’s boss and his wife.

She is also a little mountain climber. I had a kid chair sitting in front of the couch. She scaled it, crawled across the couch, and was happily sitting on the end table when I caught her. She was just drumming away on the lamp with a colored pencil that she found. There is never a dull moment around here.

If I am sitting on the floor, she will crawl up into my lap and sit. She loves to have books read to her and is drawn to anything shiny and sparkly. She gives great big hugs and slobbery kisses. I really could go on and on about her sweet attributes. Girl is getting her molars right now, so she has been a slobbery beast. I feel so badly for her because I know it has to hurt. She takes it like a champ usually, so I shouldn’t complain about it.

I have the best kiddos, even if they are making me CRAZY this week.

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