
Harper -3 months

Goodness, where does the time go?! My baby girl is over three months old. Wasn’t she just born yesterday?

Here come the pictures…

Above is newborn, 1 month, and 2 months. That 2 month picture cracks me up. She was trying to giggle, but just couldn’t figure it out.

Here is Harper at 3 months. Her cat hat is crooked, so it looks like we made her some dark unicorn or something. I promise that she is a cute kitty and not the unicorn of death!!

She tries to roll onto her side. She started giggling while we were in Illinois. My dad got to hear her first giggle. Well, I think anyway. I asked him if he heard it, and he nodded, so maybe he didn’t even hear my question. 😉 He is hard of hearing sometimes. Harper took her first trip, obviously to Illinois. She finally got to meet her aunts and uncles (all but Uncle Jason anyway). She adored her Papa, and loved to snuggle on his shoulder. She is still very much a mama’s girl, which I absolutely eat up! I don’t mind holding her all day every day. :p My back minds after a while, but I try to tell it to be quiet. Also, I don’t hold her all day before the stoning takes place via internet.

She loves to stretch out on the floor and have Addi smother her with love and kisses. She sleeps through the night most nights, and takes usually three long naps during the day. Sleepy girl, just like her mama. She has the sweetest little voice, and is an extremely happy baby. She only cries if she is hungry, if I have eaten something that she is allergic to, or if she is with people she doesn’t know.

I am not sure on her length, but she was just over 12 pounds at an appointment that I made right before she turned 3 months. She is wearing 3-6 month clothes now, but can still wear most 0-3 mo. pants. Harper is my smallest baby, and is not growing at the insane rate that my older two did. It makes me happy that I get to cling to the tiny baby phase a little longer!

Harper, you are such a blessing to our family. Your huge gummy grins light up the entire room. We love you so much!!