
Fun and Sun

We finally had sunshine today!! Sunshine that was actually accompanied by warmth!!!!!!

WHAT?!?!? That rarely happens here.. Yeehaw!!!

It is also grocery weekend, so I spent the first part of the day running to various grocery stores to get our two weeks of food. Chloe was also in need of a new helment, so I went to the store and picked one up for her. I think Addi is probably already too big for her bike, so we will be eyeing the sales after the summer and possibly get a new one for her birthday. We will see.

Back to our glorious weather..

We went outside. Scott grilled chicken. The girls flew kites, rode bikes, and played at “Mickey Park” AKA. our swingset. It was pretty windy, so we ended up eating inside instead of at the picnic table. During the summer months we eat A LOT of meals outside. We love, love, LOVE being outside in the fresh air.