
Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! I am so glad this week is almost over. It hasn’t been awful.. I’ve just been in a funk that I can’t shake. Scott actually has Saturday off, so we get to go do fun things as a family! Hooray.
1. Our first CSA (community-supported agriculture) basket! Our CSA is BYOB. My basket is this one, and I really love it. Our farm does one dozen eggs each month along with the 4-5 pounds of produce each week, which saves me a bundle. I already cooked up the Swiss chard with some bacon and garlic. It was so good. The radishes have more flavor than any other I’ve tasted. If you haven’t heard of CSA, you can go here and check it out.
2. She Reads Truth Bible. I promised I would update my opinion on it. I love it. The only downside is that the pages are thin. Most Bible pages are thin. The devotions inside are so good,  and written to ME- a woman. Not me- a mom. or me- a wife. Just me, Ashley. Ashley, the child of God, is who I’ve been trying to find again, and this Bible is helping tremendously. (It’s important for us to know who WE are apart from our titles of wife, mother, ministry wife, etc.) At the beginning of each book, there is a key verse made into art. They are all so beautiful. There’s a lot of information about each book, who wrote it, etc. I love it.
3. This mascara. I cannot find a clean mascara that I love. I hate when mascara crumbles and falls in my eyes, which is what they all do so far. This L’oreal mascara doesn’t do that! Even if I fall asleep with my mascara on, I wake up and it’s still on and NOT crumbling at all. Plus, when you do remove it, it comes off in tubes that just slide off your lash. I love it, and will buy it until I find a clean one that I love.
4. Our garden. Everything is growing so nicely. I’ve been sharing videos on my Insta-stories lately. We have a couple of blueberries that will be ready to pick today or tomorrow. Chloe and Addi came out with me last night to pick weeds. They love learning about seeds and how plants grow. It’s such a great educational activity. If only the gnats would go away. If you have a good remedy for that, I’m all ears!
5. I love Jordan Page’s envelop method. Dave Ramsey’s makes my head spin and I would absolutely just borrow from other envelopes. This simplifies it, and has worked really well for us so far.