
Fix my eyes..

Have you heard the song “Fix My Eyes” by For King and Country? Listen to it. I’ll wait..

I think it’s fitting for what I have been convicted about. This is my husband’s current favorite song. What am I fixing my eyes on? AM I TAKING THE TIME FOR OTHERS?

Today, a friend this video from The Meta Picture’s website. Watch it. I’ll wait again..

How convicting. Are you convicted? I am. I don’t even have a smart phone, but I am still convicted.

I love Facebook for the fact that it still allows me to connect to friends that live far away; to family that lives far away. However, I no longer receive calls from some family. My sisters and I do a fairly good job of calling each other to talk. That’s it though. The phone works both ways. I understand that. But, there are times when I try to resist calling to see just how long it would take for them to call me… eventually I give in and call because I miss them. I worry about calling my grandparents, because they struggle to breathe when talking. They have 17 great grand children (the count may be higher now, I can’t keep track) so you can imagine how many grand children and children call them. Shame on me though. I should still at least call and SAY “I love you.” because I do.

I should stop trying to run for my camera or the camera on my phone to capture pictures and video of my children. I should be more in the moment. Just enjoy them doing something silly instead of wasting seconds that add up to minutes and hours of time that I have with them. They are children for such a short time. While these days seem long.. so, so long.. the years are SO short. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. While I will be grateful for the pictures that I have of my little ones when they are grown, I know that I need to do better.

It is currently nap time for my kiddos, just in case anyone thinks that I am wasting time writing about how I need to spend more time with them.

This also convicts me about my relationship with Scott. I enjoy getting to interact with people on facebook; to catch up with friends and see what is going on in my family’s life. But, really, do I need to see a picture of what they are having for dinner? Do I need to know the exact timing of the run that my sisters have just finished? Don’t get me wrong. I want to know what is going on in their lives, but is it something that I need to know RIGHT NOW, or is it something that can wait for those phone calls that we exchange? I am so caught up in it, no matter how much I want to pretend that I don’t NEED it. I have a wonderful man who comes home from serving others all day, and he comes home to serve his family. He jumps in and plays with the girls while I make dinner. Sometimes he even surprises me by doing the dishes while I am feeding Harper after dinner. Why would I rather spend time with a computer screen after the girls go to bed then spend time with him? He DESERVES more from me.

Not to mention the fact that we waste so much time on the internet that we could be spending with God. How many hours in prayer do I spend compared to how many hours I spend “with” my friends/family on facebook? THIS IS KEY. The ratio for me is so far off. What about you? How are you doing in this area? Are you spending more time in the Word and in prayer than you spend on facebook or instagram? Are you spending more time texting meaningless things back and forth than you are spending with God?


I completely needed this video. I think I have seen it before, but it really struck me today. I am failing. But, life is not over yet, and I am determined to change it. I am going to fix my eyes on what matters.