
First Birthday Planning

Harper turns one next month. Cue the flood of tears…. I am SO not ready to no longer have a baby. It honestly tears me up that we will never bring another baby into our home. I hope and pray that we will one day adopt a child, so maybe it will happen in the future. Right now, I am sad.

But, I love birthdays, and I have been looking at ideas for her first birthday party for months now. That’s how I deal with the grief. HAHA! I am thinking of doing a black and white party with lots of other colors thrown in. Decorations like that can easily be reused for future parties and decorations, which I am all about.

Here is some of my inspiration.

This one may be my favorite. Confetti themed party?! How awesome!!!

This is also pretty awesome. I would go nuts for those balloons. I can just imagine the look on my girls’ faces when they saw them. Where in the world do you buy balloons like that though?!

This barbie party is super cute, too. I would not do barbies for a one year old, but the decor is super cute. Chloe is obsessed with barbies, so maybe I can file this one away for her birthday. She has been talking about her birthday since… her last birthday. She has pictures drawn of her party, presents, and cake already. Lord, help me.

FLAMINGO PARTY! Enough said.

Obviously, I am really feeling the black and white. Pinterest is a dark hole of black and white parties. They are all so cute, and I can never pull off something THAT extravagant. I know a first birthday will not be remembered by the baby. We will though. I want to celebrate making it through a year. Her birthday was such a huge deal after such a scary pregnancy. Then, we will have survived a year of food-allergy parenting, and navigating life while being outnumbered by your children. It’s a big deal. So, I will do it up as big as I can, because Harper is so special to us. All of our girls are, and birthdays are just as much a celebration for parents as they are for the kiddos!