This time.. Oh, this time. It’s such a strange season. We’ve never been through anything like this, and it can quickly become overwhelming. The day that I found out that I wasn’t going to be able to work for the foreseeable future, I determined that I wouldn’t waste it.
I knew that I was going to have precious time with my kids and husband that I wouldn’t otherwise have.
Yes, I get overwhelmed. Yes, I get tired and rest.
Many of us feel overwhelmed. Out a job and income? Suddenly a homeschool parent? How are bills going to get paid? Will my family get sick? What if my child gets sick and ends up in the hospital? It’s ok to feel all of those things. JUST DON’T CAMP THERE!! It’s too easy to sit in the fear and let it take over. Don’t let it happen.
Last night, I decided to ride my bike. My goal has been 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week. Chloe came out and joined me after a while. She rode two miles with me, and I’m so proud! We got to see the most beautiful sunset. Imagine if I had decided to just stay on the couch!! I would have missed it!!!!! I would have missed time with my girl and a beautiful sky.
We all have projects that we say that we would do “if only I had the time”. We have the time! Get into a Bible study routine. Organize that closet that has been bothering you. Meal plan. Clean out your fridge. Go through your clothes and get rid of the clutter. This is our time, friends. Don’t waste it.