
Quarantine Diaries

I have encouraged my daughters to keep a journal during this time. I encouraged them to write down what they were doing each day and what they were feeling. It will be fun for them to pull out when their one-day children and grandchildren ask about this time in history. By the way, Chloe asked me if they actually had cars when I was a little girl or if I rode in a buggy like Laura Ingalls Wilder. I had to bite my cheek to hold in my laughter. haha!

I will have this blog to keep track of what we did and how I felt. Though, I do try to keep things more positive here, so not everything will be documented.

We got our raised beds put in. The dirt has been getting worked and we need to get some more soil for them. The seeds that need started indoors have been started.

Harper wanted to make these boxes into her house. We taped them together and the girls colored the inside. This was days of entertainment before they were forgotten.

We set up our table so that we can have more picnics outside with the weather warming up. It’s tricky with the wind out here, so this was the only one we’ve had so far. It’s going to be in the 70’s today!!

Chloe wrote that we have been making more desserts, and she’s not wrong. haha! We’ve been baking a lot. I thought homemade cinnamon rolls sounded good, so I put them together on Saturday night. Scott pulled them out when he woke up Sunday morning so they could rise. It’s super easy. Here’s the recipe I used. The dough is so versatile and delicious. I made this frosting.

I also finally unpacked all of the homeschool curriculum for next year. Well, Chloe and Addi’s curriculum. I haven’t ordered Harper’s yet. Each year, I feel more overwhelmed than the last. They are growing so much and have so much more learning happening. I love how eager they are to learn! If you don’t know, we use Abeka Academy curriculum. I can’t recommend it enough. Our children have grown and learned SO MUCH. I don’t get anything for saying that. Call me, Abeka. I’d love to be your brand rep!

Last night, Chloe and Addi declared that they never wanted to move out of our house, even when they are grown. I’m sure that they will change their minds when they are older, but it’s nice to know they are happy.

I got out my sewing machine to make some fabric masks. It got jammed multiple times and I ended up bursting into tears. I’ll be making curtains today once my fabric arrives, and I’m praying that it cooperates. It hasn’t been all happy sunshine and rainbows here. We’ve become angry with each other. We’ve been sick of doing the same thing every day. We miss our parents. So– no perfection here. Just trying to enjoy it while we can while still being human.