
Date Night

My husband and I went on a date. A DATE!! Let me just say that it is our SECOND date since Harper was born. She turned one last month.. That is how often we get to go on dates… Zilch extra money makes for zilch date nights.

It was so much fun. We went to a Japanese steak house. I had initially decided to stop breast feeding Harper because she was waking up a lot at night, and I figured that maybe I just wasn’t filling her belly up enough. Plus, I have to take in more iodine, and that means dairy. So, we had butter covered everything at dinner. It was SO GOOD. We talked and laughed. Then, we did our traditional “let’s go to the bookstore like nerds” and browsed. As usual, we ended up in the kids section of Barnes & Nobel. We brought a Sandra Boynton book “Hey, Wake UP!” and it’s super cute.

We got home that night and took some pictures of us with the kids.

We were dressed up and 2/3 girls were still in their jammies! Makes for good pictures, I’ve heard.

Then, that night I cried myself to sleep thinking of never getting to breast feed again. The next morning I was pumping and “dumping” (really, freezing and marking it as having dairy in case she grows out of the allergy soon). I just couldn’t quit yet. I didn’t feel good about it. I can get iodine elsewhere for the time being.

Anyway, date night was wonderful and fun. It was great to invest in our relationship and have dinner with each other without having to scream to be heard. I mean, sort of. Japanese steakhouses are known for their quiet and romantic atmosphere. *snort* Their food is delicious!!!!!

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