
Crazy, Busy, Stressful time

I firmly believe that my mind is only working just enough to get me by and keep my girls alive.  I forget everything that I say, and lose everything.. keys, glasses, cell phone… :/

Since my last post, we have found out that Addison tested positive in her newborn screens for cystic fibrosis.  After a month of being left in limbo, we finally had more in-depth testing done and found out that she does not have the disease, but is only a carrier of it.  We are working on getting tested to find out which side of the family it came from, or if it is both of us, and a possibility of a future child having the disease… because yes, we do want more children. 🙂 I am so blessed with my two little girls, and if that is all that God wants to give me I will be happy, but I would like more.. years from now, of course, but I love being a mom even more than I ever thought I would.

Addison has started to smile finally. She is getting some more personality to her. She wouldn’t ever sleep unless she was laying next to me.. I hate this. I am fully aware of how dangerous this is.. and I try to lay her down 3984709374 times a night.. but at some point I am about to fall out of the bed holding her, so I lay down and get situated to where I won’t roll onto her when I fall asleep, and I was praying every night that I would not hurt her in my sleep. She would wake up about every 3 hours to eat.  Last night after some insanity, I had Scott bring the swing into our bedroom, and she slept in there… all night… without eating!!! (by all night, I mean from 130 AM to 730ish?) This little girl eats every hour and a half during the day.. and has growth spurts fairly often, so she cluster feeds a lot.  She still has all of her thick, dark hair and it is getting pretty long.  She weighed over 14 pounds the last time I weighed her about a week ago.  She’s beautiful, and sweet.

Chloe is a wild hurricane of energy, but I love her and she is so fun.  She is saying so many more words now that I have been having her all day again.  Please don’t think that I am insulting my husband. He was taking her to work with him every day because Addison would NOT SLEEP AT NIGHT.. and I would have died.. probably literally.. if I had to go without sleep round the clock.  He had to do work though, so he wasn’t really able to work with her.  She has repeated many words, but seems to forget the ones that aren’t used in “every day”.  She says uh-oh, all done, ball (gah), hi, no, dada, mama.. and I’m blanking but there are more! lol It sounds like she will say thank you, also. She has tried to say noodle, knee, mouth, book, etc. when we see those things. She signs “more” and we recently taught her “please”. She currently has a double ear infection, and is getting the LAST FOUR teeth!! HOORAY!! Then, it’s no more teething until her adult teeth start coming in. She is currently at urgent care because she woke up covered in a rash. Yesterday, she had some spots on her nose, then they spread to her forehead after her nap. This morning it was all over her head, chest, tummy, and back. They are trying to figure out if she’s allergic to penicillin or if it is a viral rash…  It seems like one thing after another lately.  She is a grumpy girl, and won’t really eat a lot.. She is really starting to test her boundaries. She tells us no back.. smacks my hand back.. and she literally picks things up and throws them when she gets angry. She tried to pick up Addi’s car seat and throw it at the doctors office because wouldn’t let her play with something (I forget what). She is a stinker a lot of the time, but she is also very sweet. She gives hugs and kisses. She always wants to kiss Addi goodnight.. and always wants to help. She’ll hand me diapers when I don’t need them, wipe Addi’s face with a burp cloth, try to buckle or unbuckle her carseat, try to pick her up, and rub’s Addi’s belly when she’s crying.  She’s going to be a good mama one day (hopefully 20+ years in the future!!)

Life in this house is getting crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!!! 😀 I really love my family of four.. I have those stick figure “stickers” on our van window, and I finally got Addison’s put on today and it made me smile a lot.  I know I’m young, and some may say “too young”, but I don’t care! I love my life!!!