
Chloe’s 11th Birthday Interview

1. What is your favorite color?  purple

2. What is your favorite toy?  tutu lulu

3. What is your favorite fruit?  I think it’s kiwi.

4. What is your favorite tv show or movie? hmm.. I think its Frozen

5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  hot dogs. I also like the macaroni on fridays

6. What is your favorite game? clue, I think

7. What is your favorite snack?  I like the goldfish and cheese-its the most.

8. What is your favorite animal? rabbit

9. What is your favorite song?   I’m not sure. I like a lot. “Till the Day I Die” by Toby Mac

10. What is your favorite book? The Penderwicks

11. Who is your best friend?   I have a lot. Gretchen, Abby, Maddie, Selah, Lillian

12. What is your favorite cereal?   honey nut cheerios

13. What is your favorite thing to do outside? That just got tricky. I can think of three things off the top of my mind. Riding my bike, jump roping, and flying my kite.

14. What is your favorite drink? sweet tea or cappuccino

15. What is your favorite holiday?   I like them all, but I think the one that I like the most is Christmas.

16. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? blankie, I usually sleep with. (It’s a blanket she got when she was a baby.)

17. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?   I like the dutch babies.

18. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Chicken and noodles with grilled cheese

19. What do you want to be when you grow up?  an astronaut

20. What makes you feel happy?  my family

21. Who is your favorite author? J.K. Rowling, Jenny Birdsall

It is so hard to believe that the one who made me a mama is eleven already. She is a chatty and brilliant young lady who has made her goal this year to “be more responsible.” I am so proud to be her mom.