

We have a lot of changes happening in our household. Tuesday night, word started leaking out about what is happening in our lives. It was NOT supposed to be known by anyone outside of a small group of people (deacons) until our Sunday morning service. I am honestly upset that we were not able to tell those that we love on OUR terms, but had frantic text messages and phone calls coming in.. so I am going to let my words be “heard” here.

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In the first week of February, Scott, my family, and myself will be leaving the church that we have served at for the last four and a half years. The financial situation here has been on a steady decline. It has reached the point where they can no longer pay Scott. We were initially told that it would be the end of February.The finances were looked at again and it was realized that January 29th would be the last pay day for us.
So, with 5 weeks to go, we are packing, praying, and crying a lot. We love our teenagers. We have a smaller, but FAITHFUL group of kids who have been growing and serving the Lord in other ministries within the church. It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve them over our time here. There are so many loving and wonderful people in our church family, and we will miss them dearly.
The most common question that we have been getting is “What are you going to do?” Scott is sending his resume to churches that seem like they are a good fit for what we believe that God is calling us to do. Many people are expecting Scot to say “yes” to the first position that gets offered. That is harmful to everyone involved if we do not pray about it and make sure that it is where God wants us. Since it is such a short way away, the chances of being able to candidate and find a new place to serve full-time are very slim, we have a backup plan. God IS ABLE to provide before February comes. But, He may choose not to. If that happens, we will be moving our family in with my parents.
Both of our families have graciously offered up their homes for us to invade as long as we need to. It is incredibly humbling to reach this point. I do not like having to rely on others to take care of anything for me. I know that God is going to use all of this for His good.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

That is not to say that were aren’t a little afraid of what is to come. We are facing living with NO income, but still having bills to pay. We have children to take care of. We have to make this fun and exciting for our girls. Trying to help them understand all of this will be a trial.
Change is always exciting! It is unknown. We can’t see the end of the road. But, I know that whatever is around the bend will be good. The God that I serve is good.
Please pray for our family during this trying time. PLEASE pray for our teenagers, many of which are feeling incredibly heart broken. Please pray for our church; that this change will help them to heal and get back on their feet.