
Build a Longer Table

mug is a Sift Ceramics/Venison for Dinner collaboration

“If you find yourself with more than you need, build a longer table, not a higher fence.”

This mug is not only insanely beautiful and perfectly crafted, it contains a saying that I want to continuously remind myself of. I spent a lot of years in ministry feeling extremely isolated and alone. Satan knew that I was lonely, and I was an easy target for his attacks. Boy, did he attack, and I had no one to help lift me up. I was crushed under the weight of it and merely a shell of myself.

I have prayed for deep friendships and community over the past five years since we moved back to our hometown. Nothing could have prepared me for how God would respond. God has answered those prayers in such incredible ways over the past year and a half that I still struggle to wrap my mind around it. Not only has God given me friends, but he has also given my husband and children deep friendships. We have people that hold us accountable. They challenge us to do and be better. They pray for us and check in on us if things are hard. We have walked alongside friends through a lot of hard things, and they’ve walked with us through the same. None of us are alone.

We have shared so many meals around our table and theirs. Bonfires and playdates happen often. Meals have been taken to those who are going through hard times. Care packages of games and coloring books are dropped off when illness strikes. Birthdays have been celebrated together. They love my babies in such a powerful way, and I love their babies just as much.

Community is so important. I have always been independent to a fault. I always say “I’m fine” or “I don’t need anything, thanks.” It was really scary to step outside of that mindset. But, I don’t want that anymore. I want a friend to show up at my door when I’m struggling. I want play dates and laughter. I want to have someone to cry with me. I want meals shared at our table and a rich, full life spent serving the Lord together. Thank you, Jesus, for answered prayers.

Build a longer table, friends. Step outside of your comfort zone. There’s a whole lot of life out there. You won’t regret it.