
Blue Sky

I am so grateful for the reprieve of warm weather in the midst of a gross winter. We take advantage of the change each time. The sidewalk chalk comes out of storage. Bikes, scooters, and helmets are scattered about.

The kids’ favorite place to be is by these massive pine trees They kept trying to climb them with no luck. But, they sure had fun trying. The sunshine was glorious. I didn’t think we would ever see the sun again.

Of course, it has snowed and iced many times since then. But, two days of warmth certainly helped boost our moods to get through more yucky weather. We try to focus on the good instead of feeling grumpy about the weather. Grumpiness doesn’t change anything. In fact, it is just contagious and makes everyone else that you encounter grumpy.

Isn’t that the truth for life? Being grumpy and having a bad attitude doesn’t change a thing. Some days, it is hard to not be grumpy and have a bad day. I understand that. But, a positive attitude can be a game changer. Looking for the good in the midst of the hard is what gets me through the hard days.

The weather is cold and dreary again. Blue skies will return again. We will be okay. We will play in the cold and play in the sun. We are going to enjoy each day. They are ALL a gift.

Side note– Have you heard of the book No Such Thing as Bad Weather ? It’s one that I really want to read. I’d love to hear your thoughts if you have read it.