
Bedroom Inspiration

bed // rug // end table // wide dresser // tall dresser // lamp // throw // mirror

Our bedroom has become my next obsession focus. Our furniture is a hodge podge of thins that family has given to us and things purchased at garage sales. Nothing matches. It’s not cozy. I know that’s a lot of white in the picture, but I love white.

We bought a four post bed and matching dresser at a garage sale. They are beautiful, but don’t match. The bed frame actually takes up SO much space in our small bedroom, and I’ve been asking Scott if we can just put our mattress on the floor. If I carry anything in between the bed and dresser, I run into something and end up bruised. I’ve been eyeing this bed frame for so long. But that price is the obvious reason that we have never bought it. But, that upholstery.. the way it wraps around like a hug.. the color.. it’s so beautiful!

Our dressers are both similar to the ones in the above picture, but they are different stains completely. I’ve been toying with the idea of painting them both so they match. I love distressed white furniture. **distressed because it will get banged up anyway** The bedroom is small, and white furniture would help it feel lighter and more roomy. Our wide dresser is the kind with the hutch on top, so it really takes up a lot of space visually. I love it, but it does feel overwhelmingly large in the room.

The rug is one that we bought for our living room. It won’t lay flat on the carpet and kept tripping everyone. So, we moved it into the bedroom and I’ve really loved having it to put my feet on in the morning.

I’m realizing how nice it would be to have a bedroom that felt like a haven… a place to rest WITHOUT kids climbing all over me and asking me for 96,000 snacks. A place where Scott and I could rest.