
A Quiet Peace

I love this view. These sunsets are so beautiful.

I’ve been quiet. I don’t really know what to say. My mind is swirling with so many thoughts, and it has left me so tired. This pandemic has brought out the worst in people on all sides. My mind camps out where I’m thinking about my five year old daughter that often needs help (breathing treatments, etc.) if she gets any sort of respiratory illness. The thought of having to drop her off at the hospital and not be with her if she gets sick is TERRIFYING and makes me sick to my stomach.

It was just a year ago that she was hospitalized because of some mystery illness. I will never forget the way she sounded while trying to breathe. I’ll never forget having to sleep in the hospital bed with her because she was so scared… the thought of not being there is just too much. I just want to keep my family safe until I know I could be by their side if they end up in the hospital…Scott and I both do. I’m disgusted by the way people on all sides are behaving. No matter what you think, people are getting sick and dying from this– even if it’s not as many as are being claimed. I’m just thankful this world is temporary. This isn’t my home. The worship of our country over our Savior.. I will never understand it.

This is why I stay quiet.. moving on…

We have 22 lessons of school left. We are so close! I’m ready for the end of this school year. We started while I was still trying to unpack and get us settled into this home. I feel like I’ve been running trying to catch myself since September. The girls have all grown and learned so much this year. I love getting a front row seat to their lives.

Scott has been taking all of the overtime offered to him since the future is so uncertain. I started working on the new placement of our raised beds while he was at work. The old placement was in a low spot that we didn’t realize until a heavy rain came and flooded the whole thing. He joined me when he got home, and I’m so thankful. He is much faster than I am. We were able to fill in where the old beds were– just in time because everything flooded the next day. We also filled in a huge hole that was in the chicken coop area. We may need some more dirt as it all settles into place.

The chicks are growing. Thankfully, we haven’t lost any yet. They won’t be big enough to sleep in the coop for several more weeks. They still need more warmth than what the outdoors has to offer. They are feathered babies– eat, sleep, poo. They are trying to fly now, so that’s getting interesting.

On Sunday, we had a sudden tornado warning. The girls and I took shelter, but thankfully it didn’t last long. I had rearranged the big girls’ bedroom and just called them upstairs when the warning was issued. I had to rush them back down the stairs. It was probably quite comical. We had so much rain fall that our whole yard and the field were flooded. The girls loved it. They were swimming in the ditch and splashing everywhere. They were covered head-to-to in mud. Harper started yelling that she could see a rainbow. Sure enough, there was a full rainbow in the sky with a second rainbow forming. I’m so thankful for the visual reminder of God’s promises to us. Those promises are my peace.

“All flesh is like grass
and all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers,
and the flower falls,
but the word of the Lord remains forever.”

1 Peter 1:24-25