
Autumn on my mind

The weather in Michigan has been pretty lovely the past couple of days. The weather has barely reached 70 degrees. It’s perfect. I LOVE this weather. I love wearing comfy sweaters and snuggling under blankets, but not needing a coat and feeling my nose freezing off of my face. (Let’s all take a minute to laugh that I just typed noze.)

I love fall. I loved fall before it was cool to love fall. Fall always meant back to school. It meant going to watch football games and watching my now-husband playing football. Now, it is just lovely weather. The air feels crisp. I don’t know how to describe it. You can feel the difference. The leaves start to change colors and there is an array of reds, oranges, and yellows everywhere you look. Apple cider. Pumpkin pie. How could there be any bad?

Oh, autumn. October is my favorite month of the year. We aren’t quite there yet, but we are close. I make myself wait until September 1st to put out my pumpkin decorations. Next comes Halloween, which is just a barrel of silly fun. This is the best time of the year.

I want to live there. If there were a place that autumn lasted year round, I would be moving there in a heart beat.

What is your favorite season? Are you a fall fanatic, or do you prefer hot summers or cool spring? I won’t even go to winter, because WHO would love that?! 😉

If you need me, I’ll be sitting under a blanket reading to my littles.