
An interview with Chloe

What’s your name?

How old are you?
free! (holds up four fingers) Oh, this is four. One, Two, Free. I free (holds up the right amount of fingers)

What’s your favorite thing to do?
Umm.. play with Jack and Mimi and Papa..

What is your favorite book?
La La Loopsy

What is your favorite animal?

What do you like to watch on TV?
Daniel Tiger

What is your favorite song?

What does daddy do at work?
Umm.. at his office!

What do you want for your birthday?
A cake. I love cupcakes and cake and cookies!

What’s your favorite color?
blue and green, orange, pink, and all the colors of the rainbow

Where is your favorite place to go?
Umm.. on the frip outside

What is that?
Umm.. a doggy (I am confused)

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Umm.. eat dinner!!

Who is your favorite person?
Achelle (This is how she says the name of one the teenagers in our youth group!)

What is your favorite toy?

Umm.. my favorite toy is…. a dollhouse!! The one I helped daddy build with daddy’s beautiful wrench.

What makes you happy?
Daddy! Daddy makes me happy.

What scares you?
Monsters ARRRRRRRR!!!

When you get sick what makes you feel better?

What do you think we should name the baby?
umm.. grass!

What is your favorite drink?
Milk and Juice!! and chocolate milk, too.

Who is your favorite princess?
Umm….. Addi!!

What is something that mommy always says to you?

Umm… just don’t listen to not listen to not clean up my room to not get something out

How old is mommy?
Umm.. I don’t know.. How old are you?

How old is daddy?
Umm.. I don’t know…

What did you do today?
I dunno

What is love?
love me!

What do you like to wear?
Umm.. clothes. With hearts. Look there are hearts on my shirt! See? See mom!

What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?
Umm.. go to the beach and eat lunch at the beach!!!

What is daddy’s favorite food?
Umm.. tomatoes. Red tomatoes.

What do you know about Jesus?
Umm.. He loves me. God loves me, mommy!

What do you like to go shopping for?
To pick some red tomatoes so he can.. he loves red tomatoes.

What is something you like to eat?
All the things for my tummy to.. I can grow bigger and bigger.

Are you excited to get a baby sister?
Yep. and Addi, too.

Where is your baby sister?
(points to my belly) down here.

What else should we tell people about you?
Umm.. I have to tell everyone to everything outside. Well, there’s lots of garbage outside.

One Comment

  • Mrs. Neuby

    haha, this is really cute! I love how she is still set on naming the baby "Grass." Maybe you should go for Grace or Gracie or something similar to Grass, but not Grass.