
Am I really ready?

Chloe is almost 14 months old now. She is trying so hard to say real words, and I’m trying really hard to figure out what she is trying to say. She tries to say “all done” after she’s done eating, which is really cute. The poor baby is still working on her molars. Her nose is all runny and she keeps coughing. She’s never actually been sick before, which is such a blessing, but I’m starting to wonder if she has a cold or something this time. Her nose always gets yucky when she’s teething, but she doesn’t cough with it.  She is such a funny little girl, and I couldn’t imagine life without her.  I’m trying to enjoy every day with her because I never know when it will be my last day with JUST her to love on. We have been working with her on “be soft”. She used to smack my belly and face really hard. She finally pats nicely or pets your face. I’m hoping that she will remember to be soft with her little sister. I don’t think she’ll be too bad. She hits her cousin, Isaiah, on top of the head with her hand.. but at least she doesn’t try to attack him or anything. I’m waiting for the day Isaiah can walk by himself because he takes notes on every time she hits him. He’s gonna get her back one day!

Baby girl 2 is doing well.. growing a lot. She is REALLY hurting me now when she moves. I don’t remember being in this much pain when I was pregnant with Chloe.  My back is KILLING me, and it hurts to move. My legs have been really sore and my feet, too. I feel like all I do is complain and whine… It’s really difficult to be this far into things, and try to chase and play with a one year old. I’m trying to keep the house clean, and we have so much to do before she arrives.  We have to paint what is going to be our bedroom in the basement, and get some rugs for the floor. They are planning to finish out the basement completely, but we need to get moved down there ASAP so that I can get the new baby’s room set up. There isn’t room for two cribs in Chloe’s tiny room. I’m anxious to get going on all of this, and I want to be able to help with it… I don’t know if I’m ready to be the mother of two, but ready or not here she comes!!!!

My little sister got married last weekend, and she made such a beautiful bride, and I know she’ll make an equally beautiful wife. It was so great to see her, and all of my family again.  My aunt and uncle surprised everyone by bringing my grandparents.  My grandparents are in TERRIBLE shape, and truly probably won’t be around much longer. I honestly didn’t think I would ever get the opportunity to see them again since they live so far from where we are.  I LOVE them so much, and it was hard to say good-bye to them.  It was hard to say good-bye to Amanda since she will now be a resident of California.. over 33 hours away from me šŸ™ BUT, she is happy, and that is what matters. I didn’t see her too often anyway. We won’t be going home any more this year unless something bad happens, so I won’t get to see her at Christmas. We can’t really afford all of the gas, and it is getting really hard on us to travel 7 hours, stay for 2 days, and travel another 7 hours. It will be especially difficult with a brand new baby. It was hard enough with Chloe, and she was a little older.

Pray for us as we start this new chapter of life. It’s going to be a big adjustment for everyone, but I am really excited for it all.. just nervous, too!