
A Wise Woman

“Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.” Proverbs 14:1

I have been thinking on this verse a lot lately. My attitude isn’t always the greatest. I struggle with many things; especially as of late.

My WORDS have the power to build up my “house” (my children, my husband, etc.) or than can completely tear it down.

My ACTIONS have the power to build up my house or tear it down.

My ATTITUDE has the power to build up my house or tear it down.

The wife has incredible power in her home. As does the husband, but this verse is not talking about a husband. We (women) need to realize the power that God has given us. My attitude has the ability to stear our home down an amazing path full of joy. It also has the ability to stear us down a miserable path.

It is a man’s responsibility to lead the family. I wholeheartedly believe that. A woman is often the one at home with her children most of the day. (Often.. no one stone me if this is not how your life goes) Because of all of this time that we have at home, we have the most power over our children, especially.

I have noticed my girls picking up on my rotten attitude about certain things. Often, it is our home and how often I trip over and run into things because it’s cluttered. I mumbled under my breath something about hating this place. Addi apparently heard me. She got mad at a toy and said “I HATE THIS!!”

Mamas, they hear. They hear even when you don’t think they are listening. Do not be a fool and tear your house down with your words. Don’t be stuck living with the regret that I have. I shouldn’t speak that way at any time. I should be grateful for what we have, because we are so richly blessed.

I do not want to be foolish. I don’t want to tear my house down with my words, actions, and attitudes.