
6 months old

My sweet baby turned 6 months old on Sunday!! Where has the time gone?!?!?!

I guess that I never took a 5 month picture, but look at the progression of cute!! Brand new through 6 months. I exclusively breastfed her until she turned 6 months old. I wanted to be safe because she already has food allergies. I did what was best for her. In true Ashley style, it seems to have blown up in my face because she did not gain enough weight.. I almost cried at her doctor’s office. I called my sister and she told me that I DID do what was best for her and almost cried because I needed to hear someone say that. (My doctor didn’t criticize me, just said that we need to “fatten her up”. If you could hear his accent and sweet voice.. haha!)

She weighs 14 pounds 11 ounces and is 25 3/4 inches long. I think 4 of those 14 pounds are in her cheeks. 😀

She is rolling all over the place and loves to find whatever electrical cords she can and try to put them in her mouth. Yikes! She got up on her knees today and I threatened to push her down. I would never actually push her down, so don’t freak out. I am just not ready for her to be so big. She does what I call the baby sea turtle crawl. She tries to get up to crawl but just flops forward, so she looks like a baby sea turtle crawling to the ocean for the first time. She has two teeth about to pop through on the bottom.

She loves to laugh at her big sisters and smile at anyone who will speak to her. She sits up with support, but topples over if that support is removed. She wakes up every few hours at night still, so if you see me with pillows under my eyes, that is why. I am thinking that now that she is getting some solid food she will sleep better. In fact, last night she woke up around 11 PM, ate, and went back to sleep until after 8. I won’t count on that happening tonight, but it felt good to get some sleep finally.

I love this sweet little girl more than words can even say. I love all of my girls and feel really blessed to be their mama, even on days when they are rotten.