
37 weeks pregnant

I am 37 weeks pregnant. Full term. My husband is gone at youth camp and I literally don’t get to talk to him because he has NO cell service. The baby worried everyone yesterday at my non-stress test and I couldn’t even get ahold of him to tell him what was going on. I am miserable, crabby, exhausted, and a ton of other words that are similar. I have been nauseous, shaky, and light headed all day and still feel like throwing up. Maybe this baby will come early. Maybe. She is healthy and doing ok, so that is good. I am ready to have her here, and to no longer be pregnant. I want to stop having my ribs kicked in the most painful of ways. I want to stop having to pee a million times. I want to have my husband home and actually get to hear his voice……………… I know some people don’t like their spouses and are glad when they leave. I actually enjoy being with mine (or would if I ever got to..) and miss him terribly when he is gone. I am sick of crying and its hard having my girls ask where daddy is and saying that they want to wait for him before we do things.
I am thankful to have family here with me helping out and keeping me company. I will also be thankful when our lives slow back down and go back to our new normal. We have been gone and busy all of this stupid month and I am so ready for June to be over. I am pooped and could really use a lot of extra prayers.