
34 weeks pregnant

How far along? 34 weeks

Baby’s size: the size of a baby? over 4 pounds..

Maternity clothes? nope, back in regular clothes. wink.

Sleep: My children are not sleeping well, my back hurts, and the baby moves all night, so sleep is not so great.

Worst moment this week: I don’t know.. nothing too horrible really..

Best moment this week: My mother-in-law is in town and has been helping out a TON. It is awesome to have her around. I also got some answers from the neurologist finally. I am not diagnosed with epilepsy..yet.. He said that I may have it, but wasn’t going to call it that because I have only had one full seizure with many, many partial ones.

Miss anything? driving.. of course.. and regular clothes. I walked through the mall today and saw tons of cute dresses, etc. and am ready to get back into them!!

Movement: oodles

Food cravings: nothing.. but my “MIL” has been making sure that I eat… which is good because I need someone to force me some days..

Anything making you queasy or sick: heartburn.. the usual

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: constant contractions, but nothing that is harmful to baby.. just annoying to me.

Belly button in or out? out for sure

Wedding rings on or off? on!

Happy or moody most of the time: still moody… the girls are into this screaming thing where they scream at the top of their lungs if they get mad (which is all of the time).. and Chloe’s attitude is worse than a teenage girl going through puberty, so my patience level is just gone..

Looking forward to: seeing this sweet baby.. I cannot believe that in just THREE weeks, I will be full term! YIKES!!