
33 weeks pregnant

How far along? 33 weeks

Baby’s size: the size of a baby? Oh, 4 pounds or so probably..

Maternity clothes? I am 8 months pregnant.. duh

Sleep: Last night was the worst night of sleep in a LONG time. My back is uncomfortable and my knee is hurting, so it’s a struggle to fall asleep and stay that way.

Worst moment this week: Thursday evening I decided to take an express flight down the stairs that felt like slow motion. The baby was moving just fine, so I knew she was OK. I hurt my knee, bruised my side, and sliced the tip of my finger opened.

Best moment this week: Yesterday I got to lay down during my non-stress test. It took twice as long as it’s supposed to because she wasn’t doing what she was supposed to (they look for a certain acceleration in her heart rate when she moves, and it wasn’t accelerating enough). I got to lay for an hour with nothing but the sound of her heart beat and occasionally talking to the awesome nurse that I had when I was discharged from the hospital!

Miss anything? driving.. be able to go to the store when I NEED to.. I didn’t even get to buy my mom a birthday card yet and her birthday is TOMORROW.

Movement: lots!!

Food cravings: I have been skipping a lot of meals because I just don’t want anything..

Anything making you queasy or sick: not eating makes me sick..

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: the usual

Belly button in or out? out.. Addi asked me what it was a couple of days ago.

Wedding rings on or off? on still

Happy or moody most of the time: really moody. I am tired of the girls fighting constantly and being stuck at the house.. at least it is getting really clean.

Looking forward to: my due date.. 7 weeks to go!