
32 weeks pregnant

How far along? 32 weeks

Baby’s size: the size of a baby? lol Not sure..

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: My sleep is starting to go back to the crummy way it was before.. nooooooooo

Worst moment this week: Yesterday.. My girls fought all morning long for whatever reason. Addison refused to nap and painted with her POOP!! Not once, but TWICE!!!!!

Best moment this week: I am alive and still pregnant with a baby that moves like crazy.

Miss anything? Driving.. being treated like a real person.

Movement: oodles of movement

Food cravings: A cake batter blizzard in a waffle cone. Thank you husband..

Anything making you queasy or sick: heartburn still

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: I am still having lots of Braxton hicks.. especially the more I walk.

Belly button in or out? still mostly out

Wedding rings on or off? They are on right now, but my hands are really swelling so I am afraid that won’t last much longer.

Happy or moody most of the time: I feel crazy.. just really emotional. (still!)

Looking forward to: November when I can drive.. lol! Seriously though.. just looking forward to a healthy delivery and finding out more about my “condition”. It’s been scary, difficult, and so many other words that I can’t even find. I never imagined that I would be in this kind of situation. I am so blessed in the midst of it, but I think that I have finally learned that I am not invincible.

The room is done and coming together so nicely. I am going to do before/during/after posts. It is amazing what these wonderful men accomplished in our home. I love it!