
31 weeks pregnant

How far along? 31 weeks.. I have to say that I am so thankful to reach this point. There was talk of eclampsia, which ends in a c-section.. I was so afraid..

Baby’s size: according to the ultrasound she is 3 pounds 8 ounces

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: My anti-seizure meds are making me sleep like a rock.

Worst moment this week: That would definitely be having a seizure, spending 3 days in a hospital, and having every major test done… I keep breaking down into tears because I feel guilty that Scott has to drive me all over the place. I have several doctor’s appointments, and he has to take me. He has to go to the grocery store with me.. everywhere.. I feel like such an inconvenience. (He keeps telling me to stop apologizing and not to worry.. that we will make it work.. just so no one thinks he is being mean about it.)

Best moment this week: Being just fine after all of the bad that happened.

Miss anything? I am already going crazy just knowing that I can’t drive anywhere.. Seriously.. 6 MONTHS.. November is a long time away…

Movement: loads and loads of movements.. thank you, Jesus!

Food cravings: ice cream. 🙂

Anything making you queasy or sick: heartburn.. as usual…

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: I am still having lots of Braxton hicks

Belly button in or out? still mostly out

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or moody most of the time: I feel crazy.. just really emotional.

Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery. The room should be done this week!!!